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Exit Event On Field Not Firing When Exiting A Frame In Vba‎

Since it took me some time to find the solution to this, I thought I'd append a solution I found after a lot of googling. As the various hits said, this only seems to be relevant if you have an exit event for a textbox and it's the last control in a frame. Many thanks to Dialup for his suggestion at http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthr...it+event+frame

Basically, the "normal" exit routine might look like this

Private Sub Limit_amount_entry_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

Dim Lvalue As Boolean
Dim amount As Currency

Lvalue = IsNumeric(Limit_amount_entry.Value)
If Lvalue = True Then
  ' amount is valid - use it
  belopp = Limit_amount_entry.Value
End If

Select Case True
  Case Lvalue = False
    MsgBox "Invalid value"
    ' The Exit event procedure has a Cancel argument (conveniently).
    ' If you want to cancel the exit set it to true. So instead of:
    ' TextBox1.SetFocus
    '   use:
    ' Cancel = True
    Cancel = True
  Case belopp

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Similar Topics

Thought I'd start this topic since there seem to be a number of topics where the answer seems to be to use one of the above rather than other. Thought I'd kick off with my 2 cents' worth.

I have a userform with frames containing textboxes. The user enters a currency value and once they leave the control, then a protected textbox next to it shows the corresponding value in SEK. I started off using the exit event but ran into 2 problems.

If you tabbed out of the last textbox in the frame, the exit event never kicked in (this is documented in other topics but took some time to find). This resulted in me using the exit event for all except the last textbox in the frame that used afterupdate instead I then discovered that the exit events didn't kick in if, instead of tabbing out of the field, I deliberately placed focus in a control elsewhere on the form. Changing the event from exit to afterupdate corrected this. My question then is ... could you guys document in this topic when you would/must use the exit rather than the afterupdate event (or vice-versa).


I am using the code below to disable the save function very successafully. However, is there a work around to allow a macro to save?
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

'this disables the save function on the XLS

MsgBox "****Save is Disabled****"
' Following line will prevent all saving
Cancel = True
' Following line will prevent the Save As Dialog box from showing
If SaveAsUI Then SaveAsUI = False
End Sub


I have a login form with an Exit button. I want my workbook to close as I click Exit button.

I'm trying to use VBA to go to a website that requires a User Name, Password, and a Submit Button.

So far I can get everything to work besides the Submit part. The code runs without errors, but doesn't actually "hit" the submit button on the webpage.

For posting, I removed my actual user name and password and and used the generic " User Name " and " Password " highlighted in blue.

I highlighted another section in green that I took from a previous post hoping it would solve my problem. The link is: http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthr...xplorer+submit

Here is the code I am using:

Sub GoToWebSiteAndPlayAroundNew()

Dim appIE As Object ' InternetExplorer.Application
Dim URL As String

Set appIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
URL = " https://efolio.morgankeegan.com/escripts/defaultLogon.asp?errCode=2 "

With appIE
.navigate URL
.Visible = True

Do While .busy: DoEvents: Loop
Do While .ReadyState 4: DoEvents: Loop

.document.getelementbyid("fUserName").Value = " UserName "
.document.getelementbyid("fPassword").Value = " Password "

End With

On Error Resume Next
x = 0
For Each mitem In IE.document.all
mitem.Value = "x"
x = x + 1

x = 0
For Each mitem In IE.document.all
If x = "Submit" Then
Exit For
End If


End Sub

Is there an on error exit sub command. I would like my Macro to just stop running if there is an error instead of an error message popping up. Thanks in advance

I did a bit of browsing on this problem. Found others suffering the same but haven't found any conclusive answer yet.

Every so often when I attempt to save a file, (including save as), Excel won'r let me. By won't let me I mean:

using Save doesn't appear to do anything using Save As doesn't either do anything, the dialog is not displayed and if I am doing via the File menu then the File menu is exited and the previous ribbon tab is displayed (i.ethe one I was on before clicking 'File') if I close the workbook I am prompted to save, close without saving or cancel. Clicking save just invokes the same msgbox again. I can't work out when it goes into this mode. Some days I can work without this problem, other days I encounter this 2 or 3 times.

The only thing I could suspect was I think this started around about the time I installed xlDennis' code library. I have uninstalled the addin and so far so good, but I cannot categorically say that this was the cause.

Anyone have any idea?


Edit: I have read this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/271513
Doesn't seem to cover the issue I describe

I have a requirement to change the panes in excel.
My excel file will contain more than one tab.
I have to free the first two lines in all the tabs except the first one.
I tried the following code.


ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True

But in this I have to change the Active Worksheets in VBA, Which I want to avoid.
Is there any method to achieve this without selecting the cells.
Something like

xlsobj.Worksheets(1).Rows("1:2").FreezePanes = True


i've got the following problem:

I want users to double-click on a row on a protected sheet and then do some code based on the row-number of the clicked cell. I've protected the sheet because it contains a lot of formula's.

When a user double-clicks a row it triggers the code through the Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick event.
After the code is executed Excel shows a message that the cell that was clicked was protected etc etc.

How can I prevent this message from popping up?

I've already tried

application.displaywarnings = false

but that didn't work


I need the necessity do delete a sequence of sheets in my workbook.
If I use this code:

With ActiveWorkbook
If .Worksheets.Count >= 5 Then
For n = 5 To .Worksheets.Count
Next n
End If
End With

I receive a confirmation message box with this message:

"Data may exist in the sheet(s) selected for deletion. To permanently delete the data, press Delete" [DELETE] [CANCEL]

I wish to delete all sheets without receiving any message.

Is it possible?

Many thanks in advance for your kind support.



Is there an Excel guru that can help with this - its related to "drop down menus"

I have 2 colombs of data.

AT the bottom of the first, I have created a drop down menu using the "data validation" feature in excel.

At the bottom of the second colomb, I have used an "IF" function that returns a result, which depends on what value is chosen from the drop down menu in colomb 1

The problem I have is that I want the TRUE result from the IF function to be another drop down menu, being the data in colomb 2.

How do you write an IF function where the TRUE result is a drop down menu??
I tried to create a drop down menu of colomb2 elsewhere in the spread sheet, and used that cells location as the TRUE value, but this didn't work either...

ANy suggestions??

Corporate edict.

I have a worksheet that is locked and protected now, except for cells in a certain collumn. I have named the cells in that column "MS96A".

If a user enters a date in a cell or range of cells anywhere in the column, the changed cells also need to be locked and protected (Once they enter a date, it is not allowed EVER to be changed again. Corporate requirement! *Shrug*).

What I am looking for is this. If the user selects that cell again, they will get the usual pop-up message, "The cell or chart that you are trying to change is protected..."

I think I am close, but I am getting an "End If without block If" error on the If Clause.

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim MRange As Range
Set MRange = Range("MS96A")
' If Not Intersect(Target, MRange) Is Nothing Then For Each cell In MRange Sheets("Sheet1").Unprotect Password:="temp"
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
cell.Font.Color = vbBlack
Selection.Locked = True
Selection.FormulaHidden = False
Next cell
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="temp", _
DrawingObjects:=False, _
Contents:=True, _
ActiveSheet.EnableSelection = xlUnlockedCells
End Sub

I have searched and read all the help files. I find the properties of
an object, I see how I can "lock", "size and move with cells" or "not
move with cells". No matter what I select, the object moves off the
screen, when the user, scrolls to the right of the spreadsheet.

Is there a way to lock the position, let's say , in the upper right
corner and have it stay there?

This would be quite useful for an EXIT button, that I have created,
that will close the program without saving (it's a read-only file.)

Thanks to all the wonderful people here that have been so helpful and
give us their valuable insight and time.



My Cell C3 is a numeric value.....I have set conditional formatting to
make the text red and bold when the number is equal or less than 10,000
is there a way I can make cell E3 display a message when the C3
condition is true?? or if not a message is there a way to make a
message box pop up when my C3 condition of less then or equal to 10,000
is true?

how would I do something like this?

I found this solution for "drop down list with hyperlink" but it did not work.

Perhaps a better solution is to use a workaround that relies on the HYPERLINK function to refer to whatever is selected in the drop-down list. For instance, if you have your data validation drop-down list in cell A1, then you might put the following formula in cell B1:

=HYPERLINK(A1, "Goto Link")

The solution directly above provides exactly what I am looking for
in the field where I write the formula, but it fails to hyperlink.
I have created a drop down list and linked each one of them to a
specific worksheet. When I select them individually they link to
appropriate worksheet. But when I select them in the drop down
list I receive the following error when I select the Hyperlink in
cell B1 as directed above.

"Cannot open the specified file"

Any thoughts?


I'm using some basic code below in an on Workbook Open event to format cells with a value less then 2 and less than 1 with a particular color.

The code works, but it really slows my worksheet down when opening. Is there better way to write this? Thanks!


Dim myRange As Range
Dim cell As Range
Set myRange = Range("V6:V50000")
    For Each cell In myRange
    If cell.Value < 2 Then cell.Font.ColorIndex = 5
    If cell.Value < 1 Then cell.Font.ColorIndex = 3

Hi All,

I got the below macro which uses IE and open the URLs. I want to create a userform with listbox with radio button and commandbutton on the same which will help me to connect to each url when I select the same in listbox and click on the commandbutton.

Sub DoBrowse1()
    Dim ie As Object
    Set ie = CreateObject("Internetexplorer.Application")
    ie.Visible = True
    ie.Navigate "www.google.com"
End Sub

Any suggestions..

i have a cell i have to check if it contains six characters. I have a list of data that i need to narrow down to six characters. I have successfully done that, but some of the cell has 5, 6, or 7 characters. The list contains about 600 cells, but i don't have time to format them individually. I want to create a formula that returns true or false if the cell contains 6 characters and false if it is above or below 6.

Can somebody help me, i'm new to excel!

Dear Sirs,

Am in need for this solution very badly and what could be a better place than excelforum !

I have an MS Excel File (2007 version) sample file attached, which has name, designation, blood group and so on. The last column is for hyperlinking photographs of individuals.

In the same folder where I have saved this excel file, are lying photographs of individuals. While scanning the photographs, I have saved them serially i.e. 1,2,3 and so on.

In the Excel file, in last column, I have given the respective serial numbers. In order to hyperlink one has to select that particular Cell, press Ctrl K and you automatically go to the folder containing individual photographs, you select that photo and OK.

Problem :

I have to do this hyperlinking one by one and if there 1000 photos, lot of time is wasted.

Solution Needed :

Just in case of excel formula, which we copy and paste, Can I get a command by virtue of which the column titled Photo or column next to it gets automatically Hyperlinked to respective photo WHEN I copy and paste such command to all cells in that column.

Thanks a million and warm regards ::: Jack

I am needing a formula that would cause a currency amount from a calculation to round up or down to the nearest 100.00 mark. The current formula is ie: =E10*F10 (e10 being an amount of money and f10 being a percentage fo it.) I am needing the resulting answer to round up or down to the nearest 100. So if the answer is below the 50 mark it would round down and above it would round up. If that is not possible then just rounding down would be acceptable.

How do i do this??


Hi Guys,

Could you be so kind as to provide some code that will enable me to display a text box on a userform rounded up to 1 decimal place.

Where am I going wrong....
it calculates the number entered in textbox1 and divides it by a value that changes in cell O26 but the answer is in about 8 or more decimel places.
Only need like 65.3 as an answer not 65.277756942

This is the code ive used.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

TextBox2.Value = Val(TextBox1.Value) / Range("O26").Value

End Sub