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Removing Duplicates While Leaving The Blanks


I have a column with a set of duplicate values. I need to remove the duplicates while leaving the original data and keeping the blanks. The Remove Duplicates function comprises the data and this does not work for me. Help!

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I have looked over the forums for information on how to do this, and can not find anything. I have used conditional formatting to identify duplicates in my spreadsheet. I have a unique user ID, which combines the first and last name fields into one. However, in 10,000 there are a number of John Smiths, Joe Adams, etc. With smaller lists, we search manually, and then add a 1, 2, 3, etc to each duplicate to create a unique value for the User ID.

My question is:

Is there a way to check for duplicates, and then automatically add numbers to the duplicate values to make them unique? If so, how can this be done?

So that you will have this:


I think I have done a good job in illustrating what I would like to be able to do, but if there is still something that is unclear, I will post whatever clarification is needed.

Thank you in advance for your help!!


I made a budget with many narrow columns and have turned the data into a table. I will only ever filter the data with the left-hand most column. However, all the other columns are filled each with the grey drop-down filter arrow button, and I can no longer see the headings of these columns and frankly seeing 50 little unused arrow buttons is rather ugly. Is there any way to simply remove the filter drop-down buttons on some columns or even all of them, just leaving a filter button at the heading of the first column? I know I can hide the headings, but then I lose sight of the first filter arrow that I use.

Sorry to ask such a bizarre question, but I appreciate your help.


I want to create 6 numbers from 11 numbers..
lets suppose my numbers a 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
I want to generate all possibilities of the 6 numbers. But i dont want duplicate series.. I mean 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 6,5,4,3,2,1 are duplicates.



I would like a formula that would list all the items in row B that match the criteria in row A. the first cell with formula would list the first item, the second cell with the formula would list the next item, and so forth. Also, column B might have a duplicates that should be listed. Is this possible? I cannot manipulate the order of the original items (ie, filters) because this data is being used to derive other formulas.


I'm a bit of a newbie with Excel, but...

I have several cells with data that contain both letters and numbers (4H, 8V, 4FH, etc.) What I want to do is remove only the text characters from these cells, and add the remaining number values together among a series of cells with this data type.

If your answer involves using a macro or VB, please provide a link on how to use the formula. I've never used a macro or VB.


I am having trouble with a sort. I would like a list sorted descending, so that the highest dollar amount is at the top. However, if there are blanks or zeros in the list, it is putting those first. How do I get it to ignore them or put them at the bottom?

Thank you,


I am looking for a formula to remove special characters and spaces from a cell

I have been using "substitute" but this requires me to know which character I want to remove and this isn't always known

I have tried looking at some macro solutions but became lost quite quickly

Any help would be much appreciated


I run a small business. I want to start keeping track of inventory using a barcode system.

I know Excel "ok", but I don't know programming.'

I'd like to be able to do something very simple (for now)...

For example...if I had PRODUCT / CODE / INV VALUE

A - CODE A - 5
B - CODE B - 11
C - CODE C - 14

I would want to be able to click a button (or scan a code for) : ADD +1 or REMOVE -1

...then scan the barcode on the product (A) and have it add or remove one, respectively. So, if the row for A is:

A - CODE A - 5

I choose "ADD" (with a button or scan code), then scan the barcode, and the spreadsheet automatically finds the code in the sheet, and changes the corresponding inventory value:

A - CODE A - 6

Does that make sense? How might I go about doing that?

I am puzzled by a thin black line (that looks like a border line) on a spreadsheet that I am unable to remove, whatever I do. It starts halfway across column B and stops just at the end of column Z.
It is not a border line.
It is not a page break.
If I delete the rows it appears on it remains visible.
It is not an object floating on top of the spreadsheet.
Any ideas?

I am looking for a formula to remove special characters (like ' , " & - ) in a sheet.
Thank you.

Hi There

Im trying to Sum the total of a number of cells using the following formula:

however some of those cells might be blanks as they are dependant on other data. The probelm im having is that when they are blank i am getting the the sum as 0. i know this isnt the case but dont know how to rectify my code.

how do I select (in VBA) all the rows that were filtered out by autofilter (using VBA code) and delete them leaving just header. I just can't figure out how to select entire rows when the data is filtered...
Thanks for your hints!


Is there a way to create a second worksheet that is based on data from an original sheet that will automatically update when you ADD ROWS to the original sheet?

Linking values between sheets is easy... but I need to be able to set a designated area on my A sheet that I can add rows into which will automatically be added to my B sheet.

Does anyone know of a function that I can apply for this?


Im working with a large data spreadsheet that has Yes and No answers in different columns. There are blanks within the selection too.
I need to calculate only the Yes.
I have tried using the filters in the Pivot Table field list and they are not working.
So now i'm trying to add a COUNTIF formula in the Calculated Fields section.
The formula I'm using is =Countif('Time limit extension'="yes") and i get the answer "too few."
What should I be using in the formula to get the calculated field to work? I have search the whole forum and I haven't found an answer that can help me.

Please HELP!!!

Good mornng - I am new to the forum - my name is Jena

My question is this - I have a large spreadsheet with multiple columns of information. I want to sort it by a certain column. I know how to do this. My question is, once I'm done with my work I want to sort it back to the original "sort" but I'm not sure how they have it sorted. I've tried to figure out how they have it sorted but can't. Is there some way to go back to the original sort?

Thank you for your anticipated help.


I would like to create a formula that removes a specific character if it appears in a cell. In this case, if the text in the name cell starts with * or #, remove it. Otherwise, keep the contents intact. Examples:


Text in Cell     Desired Results
*Bobby Abreu      Bobby Abreu
#Erick Aybar      Erick Aybar
Jason Bartlett    Jason Bartlett

Is there a formula that will get me where I want to be?




How would I concatenate a large range of cells, most of which are blank, and add a comma between each cell's value?
My range is E2:Y2 (I will be filling down), but most of the cells are blank. For example, if I F2=9, I2=11 and X=25, I would like to display them as: 9,11,25.
If in the next row, G=10, K=15 and Y=27, they should look like this: 10,15,27.

Thanks in advance!


I have a graph with various information in it. One is a line graph that tracks hours used in that department per month. The problem is that when it gets to the last month, and there is not yet data for future months, the line goes down to Zero (leavin this big diagonal line that makes the data look funny). I need this line to stop on the last month there is data for. (I do not manually enter the data, it is a formula that I do not wish to delete.) I know I can manually move the data that the line is pulling to make it stop on the last month, but I have a graph for 36 different departments and that's a pain to have to manually adjust 36 graphs each month. Is there a way to tell the line to stop if there is no data? Thanks!!

From limited experience I know that excel calculates dates via serial numbers.

I have formulas to add a number of days to a cell containing an entered date and display the resulting new date (ie. 03/01/2011 (c34)+11 = 03/12/2011)

I am seeking to leave resulting formula cell blank until a date is entered in the input cell. Currently when the input cell is empty the formula cell obviously displays 1/11/1900 using the above example.

What conditional format would achieve leaving the formula cell blank until date data in entered into the source cell?

Hopefully a simpler question for your experience level than mine.


I have several rows of text data, the first 17 characters of which are in this format (4 letters_-_DD.MM.YYYY

It's then followed by a variable number of characters i.e.


I would be grateful for a formula that will delete all characters to the right of the 17th character (i.e. the '3').

Many thanks!