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Check If Character Is A Letter Or A Number

Hey all,

I have a cell range that is passed as a String to a function, and within that function I need to extract only the Column letter. If it was just 1 letter it would be simple, but it may be 2, so does anybody know of a way of testing to see if the second character is a letter or a number?


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I have a long list of data validation. I was wondering if there is a way when I clik on the drop down menu and type the first letter, automatically Excel shows all list with that letter.

Right now, I have to click on the drop down menu and scroll manually until I reach that desired list.


This formula should be very often to use, but i cant found it anywhere, so i ask this here

For example in a1 is :
mike is playing basketball, he is very great player

i want to make it in b1 to be uppercase only in first letter so :
Mike is playing basketball, he is very great player

i know about proper formula =proper(a1) , but proper formula is make uppercase to all first letter in all words, we just need first letter in first words to be uppercase (and to every first words after dot if it can)

when I type a number or letter into a cell and then press enter the cursor
jumps way down the page to what appears to be a random cell. The one i
originaly typed in remains blank. spreadsheet was previously ok this has
just started to happen.

help please

Hi All,

If I drag a formula to the right it adapts the column letter in the formula from A to column B, which is standard Excel functionality.

However, if I drag the formula to the right I want Excel to skip a column each time.

In other words:

=A1 ; = B1 ; = C1

Should be

=A1 ; = C1 ; = E1 etc...

Is there an easy trick to do this?



Hello All

I wonder if you could help with this one, I have a list of data like this (no spaces or other characters)


What I need to do is split each of the characters in to its own cell

if JN551122B was in cell A1 I'd want to return:

B2 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 H2 I2 J2
J N 5 5 1 1 2 2 B

The nearest I have got is the right function, but it brings over the preceeding characters, and I need each character in its own cell. Hopefully I could copy/paste a formula and change the reference for each cell value, i.e. 1 would return J, 2 = N, 3 = 5, 4 = 5 etc.

Thanks for your help!

Since there isn't a ISDATE function in excel.

The following can be used to simulate the same, and avoid having to achieve the same with VBA's IsDate function:

1- Format the column (ex A) as text

2- Formula to check for valid dates:

I have a large database with names, addresses etc. When I try to make changes
to the email address, like change the font color or change on letter, Excel
tries to email the address. If I click in the formula bar to make the
changes, it automatically changes it back to all blue text and underlined. I
have tried to format all of the cells as "Text" to show as entered, but it
doesnt work. PLEASE HELP

Hi all,

Probably a simple little function, help would be appreciated!

I'd like to take a number entered into one cell ie. A1 = 20

and split it randomly but evenly over 3 other cells ie.

Number should be whole and no zeros?

Thanks all!


I have several rows of text data, the first 17 characters of which are in this format (4 letters_-_DD.MM.YYYY

It's then followed by a variable number of characters i.e.


I would be grateful for a formula that will delete all characters to the right of the 17th character (i.e. the '3').

Many thanks!

I am looking for a method/formula that will reverse multiple text entries from "abcde" to "edcba". The entries are composed of several words that need to be reversed ie from "ab cde fg" to "gf edc ba"


I need to create a IF statement where it will count the character length and if not 6 then add leading zeros to field to make a fixed 6 character length .. so if field is 489 then the if statment would make it 000489

Hi all -

Im very familiar with how to write a macro to automatically autofilter a list based upon a Cell Value (i.e. Range =(A1)...etc.).... but what I cannot figure out how to correctly write is a way to have Excel automatically autofilter a list for any row that CONTAINS the Cell Value, instead of just the exact value.

Cell Value = "birds"
Example -- I need to filter every row so that I see every row that CONTAINS "birds" in the character-string, not just the row that = "birds".

a) is this possible?

If not, I'd like to know also so I can stop attempting to guess (-;


I have a spreadsheet counting down the days until a date is reached. However, after that date is reached and passed I get a #NUM! error.

What can I do to countdown the days as below AND countdown the days that have passed as a NEGATIVE NUMBER???


Hi folks,

Hoping someone can help me quickly as I'm pulling my hair out and have a deadline getting too close.

Been trailing the net and this board but can't work out how to do a simple variance.

How do I work out the difference between two numbers - including negatives.

If the numbers are all positive, it's fine as it's simply a case of A - B = C which is your difference. However, that doesn't work if B is negative.

I need a formula that would give the following:

First Number / Second Number / Difference
1 / 5 / 4
1 / -5 / -6
-1 / 5 / 6
-1 / -5 / -4
-5 / -1 / 4

Hopefully there's a simple function I've been missing.

Thanks in advance, R

I need to insert a "." into a column of cells. What is the best way to do this?

Example: Existing data 1000UG01
Needs to be 1000UG.01

Existing cells are all the same length and the "." needs to be inserted in the same place.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Posted this on the Ozgrid forums, but haven't gotten any help yet, so I thought I'd try here too!

I've been having a strange problem lately. I have a fairly lengthy macro that works perfectly most of the time. Occasionally it will run as expected but as soon as the macro ends, excel becomes unresponsive to mouse-clicks. When I click anywhere (trying to select a cell, or an excel menu item...clicking anywhere in excel) I'll get the a 'ding' system sound and nothing will happen. BUT, if I use the keyboard arrow keys, I can see that the active cell selection moves accordingly. Then it gets really strange - when I have a cell highlighted and press any key to input text, it gets duplicated. So if I press "s' it will input "ss" into the cell, and then when I press enter it will auto-move to the next cell down, but nothing ends up getting saved into the previous cell.

I don't understand what's going on at all. I can't think of anything in my macro that would have these kinds of effects. I've made sure that screenupdating is turned back on at the end of every procedure. If I go into the VBE, I can manually run procedures and they all work fine. The only way I've been able to get back to normal is by force closing excel altogether and re-opening. Any ideas?


Still having trouble, and the same thing is happening with this workbook on two different computers, so I don't think it's a hardware, or OS specific issue. When it gets locked up like this, I can still do anything in the VBE (edits cells, run macros, etc.) with no problems. If I'm in the excel window, I can click alt on the keyboard and the shortcut keys for the menu come up, but I can't go deeper than that by clicking the letter shortcuts, they do nothing. If I use the delete key to delete the contents of a cell, then it gets deleted. But if I type anything else (numbers, letters, or symbols) then it types 2 instances of the key every time, yet when I hit enter, nothing changes in the cell. I also can't really bring focus to the excel window if something else (ie. the VBE) is on top of it, clicking into the excel window just gives the little system 'ding' sound and nothing happens.

If I hit the save button in the VBE (since I can't click anything in the excel window), then it seems to snap out of it and go back to normal. I tried searching for anything simmilar to this and can't find anything...

Any help would be much appreciated. This is driving me nuts!

Good day... I need an IF Function that will allow me to action a time in a time range:

... If the time 04:16 falls in the time range 04:00 - 04:29, than put a one (1) in the filed x...
... If the time 04:16 doesn't fall in the time range 04:00 - 04:29, than leave the x fiel empty

Any help is appreciated.

Good afternoon,

Is there a way to enter a colon into a standard number to create a value that can be formatted into a 24 hour time value ?

eg a time is listed as 1345 with a general number format, and I want it returned as 13:45 witha custom format of hh:mm.

Other than creating a table and using a vlookup function, I am hoping there is a better way?



I am looking for a formula to remove special characters and spaces from a cell

I have been using "substitute" but this requires me to know which character I want to remove and this isn't always known

I have tried looking at some macro solutions but became lost quite quickly

Any help would be much appreciated


I have cells in a column, some colored yellow, some not. I am trying to use
the SUMIF function to sum only the cells in the range that are colored. Can
this be done? Can I enter something in the "criteria" part of the formula
that can do this?


I also tried to use the CELL function's color feature, but I couldn't get it
to work right. I don't know how to get Excel to recognize if a cell is
colored in a formula.

It might just be that I don't know what this means in Help:

"color" --> 1 if the cell is formatted in color for negative values;
otherwise returns 0 (zero).

Can anyone help?