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Time In And Time Out

I have a spreadsheet which captures data from a magnetic card reader when the user swipes their ID card. I want to capture attendance and how long the user is at an event, so I want them to swipe in when they arrive and swipe out when they leave.

Each swipe calls the worksheet_change function which runs a macro and writes the users id number in column B and the users name in column C and the time of the swipe in column D.

What I need to do is to check column B for the ID, if it's found then it means the user is leaving and I want to write the time of the swipe in column E of the row where the user ID exists. If the ID isn't found in column B then the user id, name and time of swipe needs to be written in columns B, C, D of the first empty row. The raw data is written to column A first empty cell each time a card is swiped.


Excel VBA Course
Excel VBA Course - From Beginner to Expert

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I have an excel 2007 file sitting in a shared network folder. I only want one user to be able to make changes at a time (any other users would get a read-only). For some reason it currently does not do this, and I have multiple users with the same doc open. I'm concerned that changes will get over-written when 2 people are saving their changes. Can anyone help me with the settings for this.

Good day... I need an IF Function that will allow me to action a time in a time range:

... If the time 04:16 falls in the time range 04:00 - 04:29, than put a one (1) in the filed x...
... If the time 04:16 doesn't fall in the time range 04:00 - 04:29, than leave the x fiel empty

Any help is appreciated.

Hi everyone,

I found an excellent macro this morning that allows the user to filter a pivot table based on the value found in a specific cell. This cell essentially acts as a search bar, allowing the user to type in what they are looking for rather than select it from a drop-down list.

The macro works perfectly for my purposes except in one regard: I can no longer perform a "show all" filter. If I leave the "search bar" cell blank, the pivot table shows nothing. I'm sure that there is an easy fix for this but I'm still learning the basics of how to write and use macros. How can I change the code so that when I leave the cell blank, the pivot table shows all? The search bar cell is D2.

Thanks for your time!

Sorry for the question. Normally I find answers to my excel questions by going through the help tab or by searching on Google. However, I don't even know what question to ask on this one!?!

Basically I have created a spreadsheet with several columns, but I have one column that lists the shirt size (YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, XL, 2X, 3X) of each person. Is there a formula that I can create that will tabulate the number of sizes (i.e. AS=2, AM=7, etc.)?

In previous years I made a column for each size, and simply placed a "1" in the correct column, and had excel just add the 1's from each column. However, that takes more time and space. I was hoping to streamline it this time around.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, doug

I have a VBMacro Excel file loaded on a Server that numerous people access. A Macro in this file creates a Copy of a specific Sheet within the Active Workbook and I want to Save it to the individual's Desktop.

How do I find out what the current User's desktop folder path is each time the Marco is run by a different User?

Example User's path: 'C:\Documents and Settings\jfarc\Desktop'

Where 'jfarc' is the name of the current User which, will of course change with every different User that runs the Macro.

Also, is there a way to pull out of Excel what is the current User's 'Options | General | Default File Location' entry? Which may differ from the above directory.

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Dim wbThis As Workbook
Set wbThis = ThisWorkbook
ChDir wbThis.Path

Hi there

I am trying to calculate our On Time Delivery. I want this as a simple percentage of jobs. I have got this running in the following way:

Column M - Estimated Delivery dates
Column N - Actual Delivery dates
Column O - =IF(SUM(M2-N2)>0,1,0)

Then I have calculated On Time Delivery as: =SUM((SUM(O2:O252))/(COUNTA(N2:N252)))

This seems to work fine. My problem is, if we enter a date in Estimated without a corresponding Actual date, the formula for Column O fills out anyway and improves our On Time Delivery Percentage. How can I set this up so that the formula doesn't calculate if there is no data in Column N?

Any help much appreciated



I made a simple worksheet that we have been manually entering the time for employees, but there are too many errors (even with simple math). Can someone help me convert the time of ex: written 8-4:30 or 10-3 (meaning 8:00am to 4:30pm) where you have the total weekly hours? Right now I have a column for overtime. Is there a way to automatically calculate the over time also? The work day is 8-4:30 with a half hour lunch (lunch is not calculated into the hours, so you minus a half hour). 8-4:30 equals 8 hours. So, if a person works 8am to 6:30pm, how can I set it up where in the first row of time, I will type in 8-6:30pm. In the totals column to the far right, it will display 8 hours. In the (O.T.) column, it will display 2 hours.

This way, when I call in my payroll, I will have the total "regular" hours in one row and underneath, I will have the total overtime hours.

Or... does anyone have a better solution to keeping track of their hours?


I have never really used VBA and so am completely stuck at this problem. I need to create a macro which auto-populates a master worksheet from the individual user sheets in a shared workbook.

Sheet 1 is the master sheet "Team Stats". There will be an undetermined number of individual worksheets to accomodate new staff.

Each worksheet will be identical, using columns A-I with row 1 having the headings:

Date, Name, Reference, Value, Price, Age, Purchased?, Destination, Add. Products (the last 3 columns will have a drop-down list which will be used to enter data into the cell).

There will be a varying number of rows in each of the individual sheets.

If possible I would like the macro to run every time data is entered into one of the individual worksheets. If this is not then it would be fien to update every time the workbook is opened.

If anyone can help it would really cut down the time I spend collating these stats every day!


I have two columns of data: column A contains the date and time in the form dd/mm/yyyy. Column B contains a number value. All the times are in order, so column A looks like:


I have data from 2007 to 2010. I need to calculate an average daily value (in column B) for each month, and display it in column C. So, for January, I need to calculate the average of 31 days, February, 28 days, etc.

Is there a function I can use to do this? I've been trying the AVERAGEIF formula but can't get it to work. Any ideas would be much appreciated!

Many thanks,

I have a workbook that has compliance dates in columns "F","G" and "H" from row 7. What I need is when the date in either column comes within 30 days to auto send an email, address in column "A", recipients name in column "B". and then place todays date in column 'P". ALso need to send a follow up email when either date comes within 7days and then place todays date in column "Q". If there is a date in column "P" then don't send email. If there is a date in column "Q" then don't send follow up. Can this be done without the users intervention and each time the workbook is opened.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.


Happy Day to all,

Can you please help me,

A1= time in
B1= time out
C1= time in
D1= time out

I want to calculate the late and under time,
Office start at 9:am w/30 mins Grace period,
The break time is one hour only, please include over breaktime in calculation.
End of office hours 6:00 pm, strickly no over time

I use a excel file through the course of the day and need to insert the current date in one column and the current time in the next column. I want to be able to just highlight the selected range of cells I need to insert into and hit a macro button and have the date and time inserted into just the cells I have highlighted. I'm not sure how to make this work with just the cells I've highlighted. Any help any one can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Thought I'd start this topic since there seem to be a number of topics where the answer seems to be to use one of the above rather than other. Thought I'd kick off with my 2 cents' worth.

I have a userform with frames containing textboxes. The user enters a currency value and once they leave the control, then a protected textbox next to it shows the corresponding value in SEK. I started off using the exit event but ran into 2 problems.

If you tabbed out of the last textbox in the frame, the exit event never kicked in (this is documented in other topics but took some time to find). This resulted in me using the exit event for all except the last textbox in the frame that used afterupdate instead I then discovered that the exit events didn't kick in if, instead of tabbing out of the field, I deliberately placed focus in a control elsewhere on the form. Changing the event from exit to afterupdate corrected this. My question then is ... could you guys document in this topic when you would/must use the exit rather than the afterupdate event (or vice-versa).


I am looking for assistance in having one cell in a text format equals another cell that contains a time value in hh:mm format.

For example: Cell A1 has a time format (hh:mm) value of 04:00; which is the Start Time. I would like cell D1 to have a text format value of "04:00" (result is dependant upon what is entered in A1). I would duplicate the same formulas to reflect Stop Times in other cells.

My final result is to have another cell (F1) use the Concatenate formula to have the Start and Stop time shown in one cell as "04:00 - 12:30". The times would change based on the Time formated values entered into the Start and Stop time cells.

I have researched this in the board and found many excellent ways to do the opposite, but not convert Time format to Text format. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


Hey there,

I have been tasked with introducing userforms into an excel sheet and tbh I'm quite amazed that excel has this capability of adding userforms to excel sheets.

Anyway, I have 2 columns of data in an excel sheet and I wish to add this to a userform so that the userform displays the 2 columns beside each other with headings, like a table. The user should then be able to select a particular row and insert it into the specified cell.

I would also like the user to select a row on the table and then be able to bring up another table depending on the row selected...basically so that the user can draw deeper into the information that they require.

I have an example excel sheet where I have 2 sheets. One sheet is the user entry sheet called User Entry Screen. the next sheet is the tables sheet where my tables are held. Once the user selects the cell shown in the example sheet, it should then bring up the user form. the user then, depending on which item clicked, then gets shown the next window with a table and info on it. then user should then be able to select an item and the cells on the user entry screen would then get populated.

Personally I think this is a really tricky challenge and any help with doing this would be extremely appreciated.

I'll post up further comments as I am trying to work my way through it!



Entering time values in custom format [h]:mm:ss
Cells accept hours over 23,
Adding cells in column returns correct total time.
Have not found a way to multiply these cells by a $ hourly rate.
So use HOUR(cell ref) and MINUTE(cell ref) to capture values in referenced
cell - then use these values to calculate total payment for $rate per hour.
However, the HOUR(cell ref) formula returns the hours in excess of 24 when
the cell contains an hour value in excess of 23 (ie 27 hours returns 3).


i've got the following problem:

I want users to double-click on a row on a protected sheet and then do some code based on the row-number of the clicked cell. I've protected the sheet because it contains a lot of formula's.

When a user double-clicks a row it triggers the code through the Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick event.
After the code is executed Excel shows a message that the cell that was clicked was protected etc etc.

How can I prevent this message from popping up?

I've already tried

application.displaywarnings = false

but that didn't work


In Excel I have been trying to find an easier way to calculate a time
difference where the times cross midnight. Example:
Start time: 23:50:00
End time: 00:15:00

How would you formulate an equation to determine the duration of time or
differnce between the start and end time?

Hi all,

I have a dillemma here,

I have to create a schedule which incorporates lunches automatically (either half hour or 1-hour lunches, depending on the circumstances).

The schedule only has time in and time out, but I need excel to automatically deduct the lunch break depending on the circumstance:

If you worked less than 6 hours = no lunch
If you worked more than 6 hours, but less than or equal to 8 hours = 0.5 hour lunch
If you worked more than 8 hours = 1 hour lunch

I am assuming the formula for this will be really long, but I have looked online everywhere and have not found ONE formula for it. I can't put lunch breaks seperately, so all I have to work with is Time in/out.

Also, I wouldn't be able to use military time, so I don't know how excel can assume that time in is in the morning, and time out is in teh evening and/or half-day.

If someone can help it would be greatlyyyy appreciated


I have written a macro and at the end it displays a message "The macro has finished".

I would like this message box to disappear after 2 seconds automatically so that users don't have to press the OK button all the time.

can this happen ?
