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How To Make Currency Round Up Or Down Automatically

I am needing a formula that would cause a currency amount from a calculation to round up or down to the nearest 100.00 mark. The current formula is ie: =E10*F10 (e10 being an amount of money and f10 being a percentage fo it.) I am needing the resulting answer to round up or down to the nearest 100. So if the answer is below the 50 mark it would round down and above it would round up. If that is not possible then just rounding down would be acceptable.

How do i do this??


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On my calculator, if I divide 462,534.05 by 335 I get 1,380.70. Then if I times 1,380.70 by 335 I get 462,534.50. Which is what I need it to be because I need to calculate the difference of a figure not dividing equally.

On excel, if I divide 462,534.05 by 335 I get 1,380.70. Then if I times 1,380.70 by 335 I get the SAME result of 462,534.05.

I have to account for the difference of not dividing equally so there is some format or accounting function that's preset that I don't want but I have no idea how to fix it or format my excel sheet to calculate as my calculator would.

Please can someone help? Thanks!

I have a spreedsheet that shows some percentages example( 9.98% and 15.87%) I am needing to find a way to hide the percentage sign so that they just show as 9.98 and 15.87. The problem I am having is that are been worked out as a percentage, so changing the format of the cell does not work.
Can anyone help?


Hi guys,

Looking for some help and would appreciate your help. I want to prevent people cutting/copy/pasting on a spreadsheet I have developed. A couple of users keep doing so which in turn knackers my formulas. There will be occasions where I will need to be able to use these functions for maintenance and updates. Ideally I would like have a private marcro which I can run to enable these features as and when needed.

I've been at this all morning and feel like I'm going round in circles. I've tried various bits of code (sourced via google etc) & have ended up with a whole manner of outcomes but not the one I want.

To summaraise what I am looking for is some vba code which will do the following Disable cut,copy and paste when sheet is opened Enable cut,copy and paste when closed Have a macro which when run will allow me to cut/copy paste so as to implement updates when necessary.
Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance

Right now I have a sports league with 8 teams, I'd like to create a random 7-game schedule where each team plays the other team only once. Essentially this will be a 7-game round robin. However, I'd like to be able to use this for any number of teams and games.

I'd like to do this in Excel, but I can't figure out how to have a randomly generating non-repeating macro with text values in cells.

So right now I have a column of 8 values and need matrix of 7 columns by 8 rows next to it.

I've found this thread that has one for numbers, but I can't figure out how to do it for text values...


Thanks all!

I would like to create a formula that has a not-to-exceed answer.

Example: I want the answer not-to-exceed $10.00

$6.00 + $3.00 = $9.00
$6.00 + $7.00 = $10.00

Good afternoon!

I'm working with Excel 2003 sp 3 on Windows xp.

I have been banging my head trying to jar loose the formula to calculate man days where 1 equals 8 hours. I have one that was given to me by a coworker:


That calculates man days from total hours. I need a formula that will total man days and return the man day answer. Example:

weekending 12/25 = 16.2 which is 16 man days and 2 hours
weekending 1/1 = 24.7 which is 24 man days and 7 hours

Total = 41 man days and 1 hour

I have also been asked if there was a way for a number to be entered into a spreadsheet and automatically put in order without a macro or "pushing a button".

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Happy New Year!

~ Brenda ~


Im working with a large data spreadsheet that has Yes and No answers in different columns. There are blanks within the selection too.
I need to calculate only the Yes.
I have tried using the filters in the Pivot Table field list and they are not working.
So now i'm trying to add a COUNTIF formula in the Calculated Fields section.
The formula I'm using is =Countif('Time limit extension'="yes") and i get the answer "too few."
What should I be using in the formula to get the calculated field to work? I have search the whole forum and I haven't found an answer that can help me.

Please HELP!!!

How do I calculate the number of batches per hour? Here's what I have so far:

Cell B5: start time: 4:15 formatted as 4:15:00 am
Cell B6: finish time: 6:15 formatted as 6:15:00 am
Cell B7: total time: 2:00 formula in cell: =TEXT(B6-B5,"h:mm")
Cell B8: total batches processed: 22 (this is entered manually)
Cell B9: batches per hour: formula in cell: =B8/TEXT(B7,"h")

as long as I have this formula in cell B9 the answer comes out correct which should be 11 per hour.
If the formula in B9 is B8/B7, the answer is 264.0, Is this because of the way excel is reading the total time or the total time is formatted as a time, not an actual number? Is this the correct way to solve the problem?
answer should be 11 per hour.

I am trying to correct a formula for a productivity worksheet in excel. The idea is that we would have the ability to input the number of hours worked each day and the number of direct hours (working with clients) per day. Then take the daily percentages and add them then devide them to determine the final productivity percentage for the week. Additionally not everyone works a full week so I would need it to only divide the percentages of the days that were completed. Any suggestions? or does anybody know a formula that would accomplish this already? I am good with basic excel and was able to identify a flaw in the current productivity sheet.

is it possible to put two formulasinto one cell?

On the attached timesheet there are columns IN, OUT, IN,OUT
The lunch time is worked out by deducting 'C8 from C9' and this works fine when all 'IN, OUT' cells are filled in but for some reason when just the first two cells are filled in it gives a -12 hour answer.

looking at cell 'C11 ' in the attached worksheet, I currently have the formula
=IF(C13=0,","SUM(C9-C8)) The reason for this is to make it look tidy by having blank cells until a calculation is needed,, My problem is, If someone just comes in for the morning one day for instance 8am to 12 noon then they won't have lunch, but C11 will show -12:00
Can I put another formula into C11 to tell it not to deduct C8 from C9 until a time is put into C9.
The following is the sort of thing (many variations) I have been trying but because I'm hopeless at formulas I'm not having any success


Hello All

I wonder if you could help with this one, I have a list of data like this (no spaces or other characters)


What I need to do is split each of the characters in to its own cell

if JN551122B was in cell A1 I'd want to return:

B2 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 H2 I2 J2
J N 5 5 1 1 2 2 B

The nearest I have got is the right function, but it brings over the preceeding characters, and I need each character in its own cell. Hopefully I could copy/paste a formula and change the reference for each cell value, i.e. 1 would return J, 2 = N, 3 = 5, 4 = 5 etc.

Thanks for your help!

Thought I'd start this topic since there seem to be a number of topics where the answer seems to be to use one of the above rather than other. Thought I'd kick off with my 2 cents' worth.

I have a userform with frames containing textboxes. The user enters a currency value and once they leave the control, then a protected textbox next to it shows the corresponding value in SEK. I started off using the exit event but ran into 2 problems.

If you tabbed out of the last textbox in the frame, the exit event never kicked in (this is documented in other topics but took some time to find). This resulted in me using the exit event for all except the last textbox in the frame that used afterupdate instead I then discovered that the exit events didn't kick in if, instead of tabbing out of the field, I deliberately placed focus in a control elsewhere on the form. Changing the event from exit to afterupdate corrected this. My question then is ... could you guys document in this topic when you would/must use the exit rather than the afterupdate event (or vice-versa).


Hello all,

New to the forums.

I'm in the process of creating a new report and I'm stuck.

My report consists of a set target in a field, a score and percentage of target.

e.g Target is 400

score is 450.

Percentage is 1.125 of target. (=score/target)

Now what I would like to do is create a formula that does not go above 100% , but instead work in reverse if you go over the target.

E.g. Target 400 .. Score was 450 ... percentage of target is 87.5%

Thanks in advanced.

I have a spreadsheet that when I copy the formula, it copies correctly
(changes the cells it should subtract), however, the result stays the same.
It matches the formula I copied it from, even though the cells to calculate
are now different. I even did a paste special and said only formula, but
still, same result. If I actually type in the formula, it works fine, but I
have a lot I need to copy and paste. Is there a way I can fix this?


From limited experience I know that excel calculates dates via serial numbers.

I have formulas to add a number of days to a cell containing an entered date and display the resulting new date (ie. 03/01/2011 (c34)+11 = 03/12/2011)

I am seeking to leave resulting formula cell blank until a date is entered in the input cell. Currently when the input cell is empty the formula cell obviously displays 1/11/1900 using the above example.

What conditional format would achieve leaving the formula cell blank until date data in entered into the source cell?

Hopefully a simpler question for your experience level than mine.

Hi Guys,

Could you be so kind as to provide some code that will enable me to display a text box on a userform rounded up to 1 decimal place.

Where am I going wrong....
it calculates the number entered in textbox1 and divides it by a value that changes in cell O26 but the answer is in about 8 or more decimel places.
Only need like 65.3 as an answer not 65.277756942

This is the code ive used.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

TextBox2.Value = Val(TextBox1.Value) / Range("O26").Value

End Sub

I am using the following formula to calculate the number of days between a date and the current date: =DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"d") What do I add to the formula to leave cell blank if no date is entered in the cell for calculation.

Hi there

Please can someone help me. How do I create an IF formula to find cells where the number of hours in one cell is more than the number of hours in another cell? eg one cell has 0.40 hrs and another has 02.25 hours - I want have an IF formula to say where 02.25hrs > 0.40 then type "FAILED" but I cant overcome the greater than problem on the hours which is giving me the wrong answer.

I have a spreadsheet set up with an employees information, including the start date. After each year that the employee is working, he gets bumped up on the pay scale. For this reason, I only need to know how many years the employee has been working, rounded down to the nearest year.

This is what I have so far (hire date is in column B):

=((TODAY()-B4)/365)&" YEARS"

This function gives me a number with many decimal places.

I tried:

=ROUNDDOWN((TODAY()-B4)/365),0)&" YEARS"

It tells me I have too few arguments. Please help!

I am a very advanced Excel user so this is a new one for me.

When I open any spreadsheet (new or already populated) the black box that normally frames the active cell is missing (showing which cell you have selected). Likewise when I 'select all' the sheet does not become shaded.

In addition:

Can not fill series
Can not change cell format (specifically to show Currency or Accounting w/$ symbol)

And I am sure there is much more that I have not found yet. I have not seen a single thread on this topic anywhere on the internet.
