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Hiding Formula Results Until Data Entered

I have a formula in cell C1 (=A1/B1). I want to copy this formula down to row C20, however rows A2 to A20 are empty so C2 to C20 show (#DIVO!). Is there something I can put in the formula to make column C be blank until the data is enter into Columns A & B?

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From limited experience I know that excel calculates dates via serial numbers.

I have formulas to add a number of days to a cell containing an entered date and display the resulting new date (ie. 03/01/2011 (c34)+11 = 03/12/2011)

I am seeking to leave resulting formula cell blank until a date is entered in the input cell. Currently when the input cell is empty the formula cell obviously displays 1/11/1900 using the above example.

What conditional format would achieve leaving the formula cell blank until date data in entered into the source cell?

Hopefully a simpler question for your experience level than mine.

This is my first post in these forums.
I am trying to create a formula which will look at the data in columns A - I (50 rows) and copy this data to columns K - S but ignoring any blank cells. Thereby consolidating the data in the upper rows with no spaces.
I am sure there is a relativley simple answer but it is driving me mad!
Hope you "Guru's" can help


Added example spreadsheet to aid assistance.

In Excel there is a difference between cells that are blank (= "") and that are empty. You can make blank cells empty by selecting them and pressing the delete key, but I need a fast way to do this on all blank cells in a large worksheet. The only way I have found is with a VBA macro that loops through every cell, tests for '.Value = "" ' and then uses the '.Clear()' function, but doing this on 30 columns x 10000 rows is far too slow. Any solutions?

(The reason I need to do this is for importing into Access, the database treats empty cells as NULL which is what I want. Blank (but not empty) cells screw the import process up.)

Here's my formula... =SUM(S7)-T5

If that number is less than -100, I want it to show as blank.

Any help?

Right now, I'm trying to accomplish this by making a conditional format...meaning when my cell equals less than -100 I make the cell color and font the same (so it looks blank, but its not). When I print it, it still shows the negative value.


I have two columns in my spreadsheet. Column A has no blank fields, Column B has some blank fields. I would like to show the text from Column A in the same row of Column B only when Column B is blank.

So, basically I'm after: If column B has text, do nothing. If column B is blank, then list text from Column A.

Right now I've created Column C with this formula =IF(ISBLANK(B1), A1. That's working to get the text from A1 when B1 is blank. What can I do/add to get it pull the text from B1 if there is text there? Or...is there a better approach altogether?

Today I ran into an odd problem. I typed in values for column A rows 1 through 10 then values for column B rows 1 through 10. then in column C, I made the formula C1=A1/B1. The math was correct it showed 542 in the C1 cell. So I dragged that formula down and it showed 542 in all column C cells which is not correct. And when I went to check to see if the formula was correctly dragged it was. For instance, the formula in C2 is =A2/B2 however the value of that cell showed 542 which was not the correct math/value.

But it gets even more weird. When I click on the Column C cells and then it shows the formula up top in the formula bar and if I put my cursor anywhere in the formula bar and hit Return the formula does not change however the correct value then appears in the Column C cell. It is like the act of putting the cursor in the formula activates it to work properly but until it is activated that C cell shows the value of the cell which it was dragged down from.

This is quite bizarre. Has anyone ever seen this before? I have no idea what is going on. I ran a scan for viruses and none were found. I tried it on several new/different spreadsheets but it keeps happening.

Thanks for any tips on this.


How do I enter the value in a cell (say B4) into a formula as a constant so it doesn't change when I copy it down the column?

For example,

B4 = 2.4 (a constant)

This is the result I want:

F6 =C8 + B4*4.243

F7 =C9 + B4*4.243

F8 =C10 + B4*4.243

B4 remains constant as I copy F6 down.

What's the correct formula for F6 so I can copy it down and keep B4 fixed?


I have entered a vlookup formula in a cell and it returns the correct value from the other worksheet. However when I copy the formula down it keeps returning the exact same value as the first cell. If I enter a formula in each individual cell it returns the correct value. Its driving me crazy ! I woyld be glad of any advice

Many Thanks


I often use if statements to return empty cells, for example:


The trailing "" returns an empty cell. The problem is, it is not TRULY empty. If I fill that formula down, I cannot, for example, jump from one "ERROR" cell to the next by hitting Ctrl arrow-down because it seems to think that these empty cells have contents.

Is there a way to designate, in such a formula as above, to return a TRULY empty cell?


I'm trying to format a worksheet to show how many days overdue certain tasks are, and running into a couple of issues. The sheet is set up with Due Dates in Column A, Days Overdue in Column B, and Date Completed in Column C. My first thought was just to use as simple a formula as possible in Column B =Today()-A2. This worked alright for tasks that already had Due Dates assigned, but if Column A was blank I'd get a high number in Column B. I also realized that tasks will continue to show as overdue even after I enter the completed-on date in Column C. Is there a relatively simple way to tackle this formula? Thanks in advance for suggestions. (I've attached an example with the column headings I want to use.)

Hi there,

I'm very new to Excel, and I'm having trouble figuring a few things out. Hopefully this will be very easy for you guys!

In Sheet 1, I have a column of cells that I would like to also appear in Sheet 2. If I add a new row to the column in Sheet 1, I would also like it to be updated automatically in Sheet 2. Currently, I can get it to show the contents of individual cells from Sheet 1 in Sheet 2 by using this formula in the formula bar for each cell in Sheet 2:

=Sheet1!A3 (or whichever cell it is)

That's fine, but I'd like to just have a formula that will reproduce the entire column (ie. without a fixed range, as new rows are going to be added to the column).

If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd be very very grateful. Thanks.

I have a co-worker's file that he is having trouble with. He is using Excel 2000 SP3. When copying a cell with a formula in it of "=D6+C6" and pasting it into the next cell down, it will display the same value in the cell as the calculated value from above, but has the correct formula displayed in the formula bar of "=D7+C7".

A1: 50
A2: 10
B1: 60
B2: 20

A3: Formula: =A1+A2 Displays: 60
Right click A3, Copy, right click B3, paste
A3 displays 60

When I click save, it will change the display value to 80.

I am trying this on his workstation and mine. Mine has Office 2010, so I think there might be an issue with the file itself.

Also, not just copy and paste. I can also just click the top cell after filling in the formula and then drag the bottom right of the cell downward and it will do the same of filling in the correct formula, but have the incorrect value.

I know that I could get him to just click save each time before really looking at the results, but that is just a band aid to the problem.

Any ideas how to fix this?

I am using the following formula to calculate the number of days between a date and the current date: =DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"d") What do I add to the formula to leave cell blank if no date is entered in the cell for calculation.

Great tip! But one thing: On my machine (Excel 2008 Mac), the values in the formula cell are not correctly calculated simply by dragging. Instead, the values are equal to the cell above (the first entry formula value). To get the correct value, I need to click in the formula bar and then hit enter. (I only discovered this after an hour of tinkering, figuring I had botched the formula!)

Are there any ways around this so that it updates upon dragging the formula?

Column 1 has roughly 20 rows of information. Cell C1 has the formula =A1.

Is there a formula so that when I drag C1 horizontally into D1, E1, F1, ..., the values placed in each cell will be =A2, =A3, =A4, ...

I do not want to transpose the values from column 1 into C1, D1,.... I want these cells to have a formula that links them up to column 1's values


I would like to copy a small table from Word into one cell in an Excel
worksheet. The first column of the table is a list of numbers. I tried
converting the table into text with manual line breaks and tab stops to
divide columns and rows, but that didn't solve my problem.

Excel pastes the data into several rows. When I try to merge them, I
get a warning that the selection contains multiple data values, and
merging into one cell keeps the upper-left most data only.

What I tried that didn't work:
* Formatting the Excel cells as text before pasting the data.
* The various options for "Paste Special." The closest I got was
inserting the table as a Document Object, which could be a workaround,
I guess.
What I am saving for when all else fails:
* The obvious solution of copying row by row into one Excel cell.

The data in the table is information about my dad's medications. I
would like to have reference charts of how to identify the strength of
each tablet by its color and markings. I got the info from the
manufacturers' websites and entered it into tables in Word, which I
would like to copy into a more comprehensive file I am creating in
Excel. The first column of each table is the strength of the tablet,
entered as 1 mg., 2 mg., etc. The subsequent columns describe the
shape, color, and markings. There are 3 tables, each with about 4-5

Is there a way to copy each one - whether as a table or as text - into
a single Excel cell without losing data?

Many thanks.

I have an excel worksheet that adds two other worksheets in a data
triangle. I copied it to create a new data set and used find &
replace to change the worksheet references to the new ones.

The cells still contain the result of the old formula referring to the
previous worksheets. The only way I can get the formula to return the
correct result is to edit (F2) each cell and press enter. Calc now
(F9) does nothing.

I've seen this before, but this time, I need to calculate many
thousands of cells and don't have time for this workaround.

Any ideas?


Don S


I am entering lots of family history data into a spreadsheet. At the simplest I have columns (in cells A1 B1 C1) the headings, Surname, Forename, Year. Right now, I enter in cells A2 B2 and C2 say: Smith <Tab> John <Tab> 1555 <Enter, move mouse to the A column in the next row down). What I want to happen is when I have entered the last data in a row and pressed <Enter> I move automatically to the A-column in the next row down.

Is this possible?

Regards and a Merry Christmas to all


is it possible to put two formulasinto one cell?

On the attached timesheet there are columns IN, OUT, IN,OUT
The lunch time is worked out by deducting 'C8 from C9' and this works fine when all 'IN, OUT' cells are filled in but for some reason when just the first two cells are filled in it gives a -12 hour answer.

looking at cell 'C11 ' in the attached worksheet, I currently have the formula
=IF(C13=0,","SUM(C9-C8)) The reason for this is to make it look tidy by having blank cells until a calculation is needed,, My problem is, If someone just comes in for the morning one day for instance 8am to 12 noon then they won't have lunch, but C11 will show -12:00
Can I put another formula into C11 to tell it not to deduct C8 from C9 until a time is put into C9.
The following is the sort of thing (many variations) I have been trying but because I'm hopeless at formulas I'm not having any success


I'm looking for a formula that pulls the text from a cell unti it hits a space.

I'm using the formula below but keep getting #VALUE results

B1: =LEFT(A1,FIND(",",A1,1))

I know it's not that hard but can't figure it out.

thanks for the help
